5+ years in crypto

We’ve built, consulted or invested in every crypto vertical

Strategic, operational, financial and investment
consulting in the crypto sphere


Octus Bridge
Cross-chain bridge
Move to earn
On-chain communication

Solutions for

Blockchain Companies

From Launch to Unicorn
we help companies to develop and thrive by implementing the best crypto practices and using our on-the-edge experience.

Traditional Companies

Break into Web3
and expand your business, increase revenue, cut costs, leverage your customer base and make your business sufficient

VC and Hedge Funds

Receive advanced analytics
on the market trends, verticals, projects and extend your pipeline of tier-1 crypto projects


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Solutions for Traditional Companies

Expand their business and receive new sources of revenue by leveraging current customer base,decrease costs and counterparty risk

Strategy consulting

Scale the existing business into the crypto sphere

Opportunity management — highlight new opportunities for revenue or product offerings

Provide strategic recommendations that the company can implement to drive better results

Operational consulting

Learn the best practices to cut costs and drive revenue

Secure your company’s treasury

Implement crypto payment methods and optimise transaction fees

Create a crypto-based trusted environment for transactions in an untrusted environment with untrusted counterparties

Financial consulting

Issue your token and NFT

Tokenise company’s assets

Invest in digital assets

Solutions for Blockchain Companies

Raise money, develop business model according to best practices, align your business interests with tokenholders’ by tokenomics and create a sustainable company

Tokenomics design, token and NFT issuance

Stimulate natural business growth

Align tokenholders’ and community members’ interests with long-term sustainable company development

Create DAO and governance process, prevent the abuse of the project due to the incorrect governance rules

Deploy token and NFT with us or by yourself using our guidance

Business model and revenue advisory

Increase your product efficiency, increase revenues and cut costs

Learn best practices and market benchmarks and create balanced business model

Attract investors with the well designed and thoughtful business model

Fundraising and partnerships

Providing small checks to accelerate the growth

Creating a pipeline of investors and sharing the experience of a successful raising

Analysing business needs and introducing to the partners who may help solve the issues

Provide small checks to accelerate the growth

Investor relations

Assistance in establishing IR processes and sharing experience of top crypto companies

Investor relations are important to increase the investors' follow on

Increate of your token acknowledgement

Market making on DEXes and CEXes

We have a market maker as a service. It can provide liquidity for your token on both CEX and DEX, supports more than 20 exchanges and new can be implemented in 4 days

5 years on market with 99% uptime

One of the first things that an investor looks at before investing in a token is its price trend and daily volume. Higher volume may attract new investors and increase your market capitalisation

Cex listings

Automated financial statement creation

Implementation of an automated financial reporting system, using on-chain information

On-chain financial reports can be required by late-stage investors in order to properly evaluate business

Analytics as a service on your project for investors

Solutions for VC and Hedge funds

Get exposure to blockchain market and provide additional value to your pipeline, get advanced analytics from experienced team

Pipeline of crypto companies

We have a significant pipeline of companies that use on-chain communication due to our partner ylide.io

We have a broad partners network and established relationships in crypto, so that we are one of the first who others come for money or consultancy

Market, companies and strategies in-depth analytics

VC funds tend to have dry powder but lack of expertise in crypto and additional value for crypto startups, we provide both

We invest and assist in fundraising

We have a pipeline of funds, angel investors and family offices. We will conduct due diligence and provide a free intro for investors

We invest in early-stage companies that use on-chain communication

